Endometriosis Oncogenomics and Pathology Research Lab
(EDGE Research)
EDGE research embodies a philosophy of novel discovery and a remit to bring advancements to endometriosis and endometriosis-associated cancers (clear cell and endometrioid ovarian carcinoma).
EDGE research is currently recruiting for a post-doctoral fellow
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Endometriosis-Associated Ovarian Cancers
We are recognized world leaders on research and classification of endometriosis-associated carcinomas. This includes clear cell ovarian carcinoma and endometrioid ovarian carcinoma, both of which our group has shown arise directly from an endometriosis ancestor. Our team has identified protein and DNA mutation based-biomarkers to diagnose and sub-classify these cancers: identifying individual patient most likely to have favorable vs. unfavorable outcomes.
We bring a new vision to endometriosis research, by looking at this disease as a neoplastic, chronic condition.
Endometriosis can be described as the presence of cells normally found within the uterus (endometrial lining) that grows outside the uterus. This common condition is estimated to affect 10% of individuals that are genetically female, and have an intact uterus, during childbearing years. Symptoms are varied: some individuals experience few symptoms; others may have severe, chronic, or cyclic pelvic pain; others may have issues conceiving